, the County of Kankakee, the Village of Manteno, and the City of
Momence have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement onSeptember 27,
2012 for the operation of an existing Enterprise Zone, which is incorporated by
referenceandmadea part of this resolution, and
, the City of Momence recommends expansion of the existing
enterprise zone boundaries as identified and depicted in Exibits A and B, and
which requires an amendment to the Kankakee County Enterprise Zone
Intergovernmental agreement, Exhibit C herein.
as follows:
1. The City of Momence Mayor and City of Momence Clerk are hereby
authorized to execute the Amendment to the Kankakee County
Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement, Exhibit C, herein,
which amends the legal description and map of the boundaries of the
Kankakee County Enterprise Zone, a copy of the legal description and
map are attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and marked
as Exhibits A and B respectively, and make application as necessary
to the State of Illinois for certification of the amended boundary
2. That upon execution of said Agreement by all parties thereto, the City
of MomenceClerk is hereby authorizedand directed to:
(a) place a certified copy of this ordinance amendment of file in
their office and to provide sufficient copies for anyone who
wishes a copy, as requiredby law; and
(b) file a certified copy with the Recorder of Deeds of Kankakee
County, Illinois, together with an executed copy of said
Intergovernmental Agreement.
3. This ordinance and Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment, Exhibit
C, changes the Kankakee County Enterprise Zone boundaries legal
description andmap only, and in no way limits the ability of any of the
parties to extend additional tax incentives or reimbursement to
businesses within the Enterprise Zone or throughout their jurisdictions
by separate ordinance.
4. The boundaries of the Kankakee County Enterprise Zone are hereby
legally described within Exhibit A herein and depicted by map within
Exhibit B herein.