2. Signsmaybe attached to a building and hungperpendicular therefromby supports, butmaynot
have an area ofmore than sixteen (16) square feet and such perpendicular sign shall be hung so
that the sign commences nomore thanone foot (1') from the side of the building, nor extend closer
thanone foot (1') to the beginningof the street, nor shall the bottom line of such signbe closer
than eight feet (8') above the ground.
3. No perpendicular signs in theDowntownHistorical District shall have internal illumination.
4. Historically inappropriate change letter boards, digital sign boards, (jumbotron, LED chase
letters, flashing signs) are not permissible in theDowntownHistorical District.
5. Window signs shall complywith the following:
a. Sign shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of total window area
b. Window signs are not part of the permitted exterior wall sign area.
c. Illuminatedwindow signs (open for business sign) shall not exceed six (6) square foot per
6. Signs on awnings or canopies are permitted, subject to issuance of a buildingpermit, and the
following standards:
a. Awning and canopy sign area shall count toward permittedwall sign area for the business.
b. Signs shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of thewidth and height of the awningor canopy.
c. Letters on a valance shall not exceed eightypercent (80%) of thewidth and height of the
d. A translucent canopyor awning shall not be permitted.
That there is hereby added to theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, inTitle 9, Chapter 9,
Section3, SubsectionsK, L,
(K) No vinyl sign shall be permitted on any exterior wall in the
Historical District, as defined by
theNational Registry.
(L) Temporary signs are permitted subject to the following regulations:
1. Banners and advertising flags are permitted once during the first year of operationof a use for a period
not to exceed sixty (60) consecutive calendar days and commencingnot earlier than thirty (30) days prior to
the first dayof operationof the use. Suchbanners and flags shall be located on the exterior buildingwall
of the tenant space towhich they are appurtenant and shall not exceed a total area of:
a. Twenty four (24) square feet for occupancies up to 5,000 square feet;
b. Thirty two (32) square feet for occupancies greater than5,000 square feet up to 25,000 square feet; or
c. Sixty four (64) square feet for occupancies greater than25,000 square feet.
(M) Banners and advertising flags are permitted once per calendar quarter for a periodnot to exceed thirty (30)
consecutive days. Banners and advertising flags shall be displayed no earlier than fourteen (14) days before the
event, and shall be removed no later than three (3) days after the event ends. Suchbanners and flagsmaybe
mounted on freestanding signs or posts adjacent to streets, no closer than five (5) feet from the right of, and shall not
exceed four (4) feet in height. Banners and advertising flags shall not exceed a total area of twenty (20) square feet.
That there is hereby added to theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, in Title 9, Chapter 9,
Section6, SubsectionC.