City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 25

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OrdinanceAmending theWater andSewer ConnectionFee. AldermanCook seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna voting yes. Alderman John
Metz voted no. Ordinance #792.
Discuss and voteonDixonEngineering$2,120 proposal for water tower inspections and
reviews (ScheduleB). AldermanNovaMetzmade amotion toaccept DixonEngineering$2,120
proposal for water tower inspections and reviews (ScheduleB). Alderman Lesyna seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting
Discuss and vote onDixonEngineering technical specifications and contract documents
proposal in theamount of $3,500 (ScheduleA). AldermanNovaMetzmadeamotion to accept
DixonEngineeringTechnical Specifications andContract DocumentsProposal in theamount of
$3,500 (ScheduleA). Alderman Lesyna seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, Nova
Metz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteon aResolutionAuthorizing theExecution of aLaw
Enforcement MutualAidAgreement. Chief Cavender stated that this is anannual renewal process,
which allows the policedepartment to bemembers of this organizationwith theability to call in for
assistance fromdifferent agencies. AldermanKupferermadeamotion to pass aResolution
Authorizing theExecution of aLawEnforcement MutualAidAgreement and theExistenceand
Formation of the Illinois LawEnforcementAlarmSystemby Intergovernmental Cooperation.
AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer,
Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution#174.
Discuss and voteonauthorization for Chief of Police to establish forfeiture accounts per state
statutes. Twomeans of collecting/receiving asset forfeiture funds: Through government and state
of Illinois. Policeworkswith agency and receives property.Account needs tobe set up to receive
these funds inorder tobe compliant. Approval is neededbyCouncil. Federal Fundwill be set up as
savings account, withaminimumbalance of $300. State requireswhenmoney, vehicles or property
is seized it comes to the department as funds. If money is seized, it goes intoevidence and then
goes into aState forfeiture account. Check iswritten to theStateof Illinois for the entire amount.
State takes 35%and 65% is thenelectronically depositedback into thePoliceDepartment’s seizure
account. Thismoney can only be used by police department. Right now, City has an account with
$5,000of seizure funds. This fundneeds tobe put into thepolicedepartment’s state checking
account. Only one signatureneeded for account andwas questioned byCouncil. Theaccount is
completely separate fromCitymonies. It will be audited by theState of Illinois. Fundwill be
managedby Lieutenant that handles investigating andwill be included in theannual audit that is
required by theCity. Account will bewithMunicipal Bank at Momence. AldermanKupferermadea
motion to give authorization for Chief of Police toestablish forfeitureaccounts per state statutes.
AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Discuss and voteon surplus 2009FordCrownVictoria police vehicle. Vehicle needs tobe
put out for closed bid, potentiallywith newspaper ad andpostingat CityHall. Tonight Council will
just vote on selling surplus police vehicle. Anordinancewill need tobe created. AldermanLesyna
will create ordinance. It was stated that therewill be aminimum bidof $500. AldermanKupferer
made amotion to sell surplus police vehicle. AldermanDenton seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
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