City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 12

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stating that the cashposition is ok, notmuchdebt. Audits are onlineonour website. RE: IMRF
(funding is at 87%). Paying in 100% but actual calculations showunderfunded. City payswhat they
arebeing required topay. Mr.Abraham believes theCitywill be less underfunded next year. Audit
has been sent to theStateComptroller.
AldermanNovaMetz: Discusswater and sewer tap on fees. Water andSewer Committee
meetingwas held this evening to discuss tapon fess. TheCity is currently charging$5,100 for
potential new construction. Our amounts are very high in comparison to surroundingCities and
Villages. Water andSewer Committeeproposed a$500 charge for tapon fees plusmaterials. The
plumber installs all materials; all theCity does is inspection. Alderman JohnMetz stated that that
was a longway to drop (from $5,100 to$500). Alderman JohnMetz thought $1,000would bemore
bearable. Discussionwas that thiswas not a very goodway to build funds; $500 is amore
appropriateand fair charge. AldermanLesynawill look into further and present updatedordinance
at the next Council meeting. Tobe split $250betweenWater andSewer plusmaterials and licensed
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteon lease purchaseof two, 2015SUVPolice cars.
PoliceDepartment is getting rid of CrownVictoria car with blown engine. PoliceK-9 car will be kept
as autility vehicle/training car. Prices for lease/purchaseare similar as last year. Police
department was originally going towait until May to purchase/leasenew vehicle. FordMunicipal
Financing to give break to purchase/lease two vehicles at oncewith a total purchasepriceof
$52,675.92. Chief stated that heprefers theFordExplorers. Fordwill delay payments until May.
Police department is exceedingexpected revenues and is runningunder budget. Only cost out of
this budget is equipment.
AldermanKupferermade amotion toapprove lease/purchaseof two, 2015FordPolice
Interceptor SUV’s throughFordMunicipal Financing for $52,675.92quarterly payments of $3,643.94
beginningonMay 1, 2015. AldermanLesyna seconded themotionwithAldermenNovaMetz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanCook calleda Local Improvementmeeting for 6:45PMonFebruary 2, to discuss
operational issuewith historical house. Master plan ImplementationmeetingonFriday at 3:45PM
determiningdesired course of action of new fiscal year.
AldermanLesyna called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting to go over bills at 7:15PM
onFebruary 2. OrdinanceCommitteemeeting called for 7PMonFebruary 2, regardingopen
meetings act, since involvedwith IMRFneeds to post onwebsite, thosemaking total compensation
of $75,000and $150,000, andopenmeetingact provision about public participation, a public body
shouldadopt rules, needs to be incorporated into ordinance.
TinaDemack attended themeetingdue to JeannieBlanchette’s absence. Tina stated that
theCPI (Consumer Price Index) ratewas 1.7% and that water rateswill be goingup by ordinance
based onChicago price index. Currentlywater $11.29 to $11.48and sewer was$10.39 togo up to
Chief Cavender stated thehehas submitted reimbursement paperwork for officerswho
attended thePoliceAcademy.
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