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watermoney. Mr. Kerouac stated that Citywill be collecting toomuchmoney from residents if they
gowith the “estimated” useof $6 per water bill. Mayor Porter stated that theamount to be charged
is not completely determined, nothinghas been finalized.
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteon hiringa full-timepoliceofficer. PoliceCommittee
meetingheld tonight regarding the hiringof a full timepoliceofficer. AldermanKupferermade a
motion to approve hiringpart timepolice officerAdamMarcotte as a full-timepoliceofficer effective
January 6, 2015, withan annual starting salary of $36,772, in accordancewith collective bargaining
agreement. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenNovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer,
Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Discuss and voteonpromotionof policeofficer to acting Lieutenant (also discussedat
tonight’sPoliceCommitteemeeting). AldermanKupferermade amotion toapprove policeofficer
JakeVekemans to beappointed to rank of actingLieutenant effective immediatelywith anannual
salary of $49,920. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenNovaMetz, Steele,
Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferer statedhewas contactedbyMikeButler fromGoodShepherdManor
regardingamanor homeat 404GladiolusStreet, They are requesting noparking signs beplaced
between the curb and the sidewalk 45 feet north and 45 feet south of the center of the sidewalk on
thewest sideof this property (byBaker &Taylor). Council would like to know if they have routine
times of loadingandunloading. Chief statedShowBus picks up residents. Navigation around the
street was discussed; it is a crowded, tight area. Potentially put in a safety zone area about 9 feet
wide for loadingand unloadingof passengers. AldermanKupferer will discuss further withMr. Butler
fromGoodShepherdManor and report back toCouncil.
AldermanLesyna stated that Council will go into closed session after regular session to
review the last sixmonths executive sessionminutes. ABudget andFinance committeemeeting
was called for January 19 at 7:15PM to goover bills. AWater andSewermeetingwas then called
for 7:00PMon January 19.
JeannieBlanchette stated therearenoCPI (Consumer Price Index) figures available yet.
Scott Behrends: Currently fixingawatermainbreak onVermont Street andpreparing for
tonight’s snow.
Chief Cavender and JakeVeckmanattendeda sex offender update class. Theywere
informed thatmunicipalities are able to charge $100when sex offenders register (yearly or
quarterly). Funds are sent into theStateand theCitymay receive aportionback. Currently there
are7 registered sex offenders in theCity of Momence.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson. Mayor Porter stated that the automatic
withdrawals arenot gettingon sheets, Treasurer looking into. Mayor Porter trying to get abetter
report on revenues and expenses.