2016 Ordinances and Resolutions (Corrected) - page 44

WHEREAS, the city of Momence is located in the county of Kankakee, stateof Illinois, wishes to construct a bore crossing for a12"
watermainbeneath IL 1/17whichby law comes under the jurisdictionand control of theDepartment of Transportationof the stateof
Illinois, and
WHEREAS, apermit from saiddepartment is required before saidwork can be legally undertaken by said city of Momence; now
THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city of Momence, countyof Kankakee, state of Illinois.
FIRST: That we do hereby request from theDepartment of Transportation, state of Illinois, a permit authorizing the city of
Momence toproceedwith thework hereindescribedandas shown on enclosed detailedplans.
SECOND: Upon completion of the bore crossing by the contractor andacceptance by the city, the city guarantees that all work has
beenperformed inaccordancewith the conditions of the permit to begrantedby theDepartment of Transportation of the state of
Further, the city will hold the state of Illinois harmless for any damages that may occur to persons or property during suchwork.
The citywill require the contractor to obtaina bondanda comprehensive general liability insurancepolicy in acceptable
amounts andwill require the contractor to add theState of Illinois as anadditional insuredon bothpolicies.
THIRD: That we hereby state that the proposedwork is not to be performedby theemployees of the city of Momence.
FOURTH: That the proper officers of the city of Momence are hereby instructedandauthorized to sign saidpermit in behalf of the
city of Momence.
_________________________________________ , hereby certify the above tobe a
true copy of the resolution passed by theCityCouncil of the city of Momence, county of Kankakee, State of Illinois.
Dated this ___________________dayof_______________A.D. 2015
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