2016 Ordinances and Resolutions (Corrected) - page 17

planninggroups in support of theEnterpriseZoneProgram and
h. Act as liaison between theEnterpriseZoneUnits of Government
and the IllinoisDepartments of Commerce andEconomic
Opportunity andRevenue;
i. Act as programmanager responsible for theEnterpriseZone’s day-
to-day operations; and
j. Establishanapplication fee, not-to-exceed one half percent (0.5%)
of cost of thebuildingmaterials, for new constructionand
renovationprojectswithin the enterprise zone. The fee is due at
the timeof certificationof theproject by theZoneAdministrator and
under no circumstances shall the feeexceed$50,000 for any one
SectionVIII: Approval of DesignatedArea. TheEnterpriseZoneArea as
designated herein requires approval of the IllinoisDepartment of Commerce and
EconomicOpportunity and is establishedpending such approval. Upon
approval, theEnterpriseZonewill be known as “TheKankakeeCounty
Section IX: Termof theZone. TheEnterpriseZone, pending approval of the
IllinoisDepartment of CommerceandEconomicOpportunity, shall commence on
January 1, 2016 and continue for 15 years. After the13
year, theEnterprise
Zone is subject to reviewby theEnterpriseZoneBoard for anadditional 10-year
designationbeginningon theexpiration dateof theEnterpriseZone.
SectionX: Authority of County. TheChairmanof theCountyBoard of Kankakee
Countywill have theauthority to execute such documents asmay be necessary
formaking required applications includingbut not limited to theprograms set
forth inSectionVand to execute suchother documents onbehalf of theCounty
of Kankakeeas are consistent with the intent andpurposeof this Resolution.
SectionXI: EffectiveDate. ThisOrdinance shall be in full force andeffect from
andafter its passage, approval and publication inaccordancewith statute.
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