2016 Ordinances and Resolutions (Corrected) - page 16

SectionVI: AdministrativeEntity.
(a) Duties: Amanagement organization tobe known as theAdministrative
Entitywill act as a steering committee for theZoneAdministrator. The
AdministrativeEntity’s role is advisory except for the functions set forth in
SectionVII(a) below.
(b) Compositionof AdministrativeEntity: TheAdministrativeEntity shall be
composed of five (5)members: theChief Electedofficials of theCity of
Momence, theVillageof Manteno, theVillage of Grant Park, theVillage of
HopkinsPark, and theChairmanof theKankakeeCountyBoard. The
ZoneAdministratormay not beappointedas amember.
(c) Term of Office: The term of officeof themembers of theAdministrative
Entity shall expire simultaneouslywith theexpiration of the term of office
of the appointingMayor, VillagePresident or BoardChairman.
SectionVII: ZoneAdministrator.
(a) Selection; Removal: TheZoneAdministrator shall beappointedby the
three-fifths vote of theAdministrativeEntity and shall beanemployee of
oneof theparties.
TheZoneAdministrator shall be removed from office by a three-fifths vote
of theAdministrativeEntity.
(b) Duties: TheZoneAdministrator shall:
a. Be theChief ExecutiveOfficeof theEnterpriseZone;
b. Be authorized to hireand firepersonnel for those staff positions
establishedby theBoard of Directors;
c. Develop and recommend a comprehensive planningprogram for
d. Examineand recommend local incentives, benefits, andprograms
to accomplish statedobjectives, to stimulateeconomic activity in
theEnterpriseZone and toaddress impediments to capital
e. Recommendnecessary legislative and administrative controls for
guidingEnterpriseZone development, includingplanned capital
f. Coordinate planningactivities and program implementationwith
other city departments anddepartment programs;
g. Act as liaison between themunicipalities, county, andany
designated zoneorganization, anyFederal agency andany local
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