2016 Ordinances and Resolutions (Corrected) - page 15

Suchabatement shall be allowed only for industrial,
manufacturing or commercial propertywithin theEnterprise
Zone, provided that such remodeling, rehabilitationor new
construction is of sucha natureand scope for which a
buildingpermit is required and has been obtained;
The improvements are to be commencedafter the
certificationof theEnterpriseZoneby theDepartment of
CommerceandEconomicOpportunity; and
No propertywithin aRedevelopment Area created pursuant
to theTax Increment AllocationRedevelopment Act (Ill. Rev.
Stat., Ch. 24, Section11-74.4-1 et. seq) shall qualify for tax
abatement under thisAgreement.
(d) Permit andFeeWaivers: Fees andwaivers shall be appliedas follow:
Thewaiver of any permit fee is applicable to commercial,
industrial, andmanufacturingprojects in theKankakee
In theVillages of Manteno, Grant Park, andHopkinsPark
buildingpermit fees shall bewaived. Inspection fees shall
be charged inaccordancewith the local jurisdictions’ fee
For projects inunincorporatedKankakeeCounty, theCounty
shall waive 50% of its applicable buildingpermit fee
TheCity of Momencewill not beparticipating in this benefit.
(e) Industrial RevenueBondFeeReduction: Therewill be noCounty
issuer fee charged.
(f) ProgramTargeting: TheCounty agrees touse its eligibility and
resources tomakeavailableUrbanDevelopment ActionGrants, Economic
Development Administration programs, Small BusinessAdministration
programs; JobsPartnershipTrainingAct assistanceand such other
federal and/or stateprograms asmay beeligible.
(G) Development Streamlining: TheCounty shall namean individual tobe
an advocate for all commercial and/or industrial development projects of
$1,000,000or above. This advocatewill provide answers to the
developers’ questions regardingmunicipal rules, regulations, cost, time
lines, processes, etc.
(H) TheCountywill consider othermethods of cooperationwith firms as
theEnterpriseZone regulations are finalized.
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