THISAGREEMENT ismade by theCity of Momence, amunicipal corporation (hereinafter
“Momence”), theVillage of Manteno, amunicipal corporation (hereinafter “Manteno”), the
Village of Grant Park, amunicipal corporation (hereinafter “Grant Park”), theVillage of
HopkinsPark, amunicipal corporation (hereinafter “HopkinsPark”) and theCounty of
Kankakee, abody politic and corporate (hereinafter “KankakeeCounty”).
WHEREAS, Momence, Manteno, Grant Park, HopkinsPark, andKankakeeCounty have
designated anEnterpriseZone pursuant to the IllinoisEnterpriseZoneAct; and,
WHEREAS, Momence, Manteno, Grant Park, HopkinsPark, andKankakeeCounty are
authorized to enter into intergovernmental agreements byArticleVII, Section 10 of the
1970 Illinois constitution, the Intergovernmental CorporationAct (1981 IllinoisRevised
Statutes, Chapter 127, Section 741, et. Seq.) and the IllinoisEnterpriseZoneAct.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of themutual promises and covenants contained in
theAgreement, Momence, Manteno, Grant Park, HopkinsPark, andKankakeeCounty
agree as follows:
Section1: Definitions
A. “Department”means theDepartment of CommerceandEconomicOpportunity
of theStateof Illinois.
B. “DesignatedZoneOrganization”means the organization or organizations
recommended by theAdministrativeEntity as authorized by theEnterpriseZone
C. “EnterpriseZone”means theKankakeeCountyEnterpriseZone.
D. “Industrial Property”means any real estateused primarily inmanufacturingor in
theextraction of processingof rawmaterials unserviceable in their natural state
to create newphysical products ormaterials, or in the transportationor storage
of rawmaterials or finishedor partially finished physical goods in thewholesale
distributionof suchmaterials or goods.
E. “ManufacturingProperty”means any real estate usedprimarily in thematerial
stagingand productionof goods used inprocedures commonly regarded as
manufacturing, processing, fabrication, or assemblingwhich changes existing
material intonew shapes, newqualities, or new combinations.
F. “Parties”mean theparties to theAgreement:Momence, Manteno, Grant Park,
HopkinsPark, andKankakeeCounty.
Section2: Descriptionof EnterpriseZone