D. Industrial RevenueBondFeeReduction
Therewill be nomunicipality or county issuer fee charged.
E. ProgramTargeting
The parties agree touse its eligibility and resources tomakeavailableUrban
Development ActionGrants, EconomicDevelopment AdministrationPrograms,
Small BusinessAdministrationPrograms, JobTrainingPartnershipAct Assistance
and suchother federal and/or state programs asmay be eligible anddollars
recapturedwithin the countywill be targeted for theEnterpriseZone.
F. Development Streamlining
Eachparty shall namean individual to be anadvocate for all commercial and/or
industrial development projects of $1,000,000andmore. This advocatewill provide
answers to the developers’ questions regardingmunicipal rules, regulations, cost,
timelines, processes, etc.
G. UtilityTaxRelief
TheUtilityTax exemption as provided inSection 9-222.1 of thePublicUtilitiesAct,
220 ILCS5/9-222.1.
Section7: Approval of DesignatedArea:
TheEnterpriseZoneArea as designatedherein requires approval of the Illinois
Department of Commerce andEconomicOpportunity and is establishedpending
such approval. Uponapproval, theEnterpriseZonewill be known as “The
Section8: Termof theZone:
TheEnterpriseZone, pendingapproval of the IllinoisDepartment of Commerceand
EconomicOpportunity shall commenceon January 1, 2016and continue for 15
years. After the13th year, theEnterpriseZone is subject to reviewby the
EnterpriseZoneBoard for anadditional 10-year designation beginningon the
expiration dateof theEnterpriseZone.