City of Momence - 2014 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 133

NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN that, pursuant toOrdinanceNumber 791, adopted onDecember 15,
2014, theCityofMomence, KankakeeCounty, Illinois (the “ENTITY”), intends to enter into aLoan
Agreementwith the IllinoisEnvironmental ProtectionAgency in an aggregate principal amount not to
exceed $1,300,000 and bearing annual interest at an amount not to exceed themaximum rate
authorized by law at the time of execution of the LoanAgreement, for the purpose of paying the cost
of certain improvement to the publicwater supply system of theCity. A complete copyof the
Ordinance accompanies this notice.
NOTICE ISHEREBYFURTHERGIVEN that if a petition signed by156 ormore electors of theCity
(being equal to 10%of the registered voters in theCity), requesting that the question of improving the
publicwater supply system and entering into the LoanAgreement is submitted to theCityClerkwithin
30 days after the publication of thisNotice, the question of improving the publicwater supply system
of theCity as provided in theOrdinance andLoanAgreement shall be submitted to the electors of the
City at the next election to be held under general election lawonNovember 1, 2016. A petition form
is available at CityHall,Momence, Illinois.
KankakeeCounty, Illinois
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