City of Momence

City Council Agendas and Minutes


City Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:30pm at City Hall - 105 West Washington Street.


Approved Executive Minutes

Archived Minutes Library

Click on the book title below for previous years' agendas and minutes. Be patient, as these books are quite large and will take a while to load. Please note: Currently, only the 2015, 2014, and 2013 minutes/agendas have been published in book form. For all other previous years, click on the links above. We will continue publishing the remaining years, so check back often for updates!

Library books for minutes and agendas Library books for 2009-2014 minutes and agendas 2013 agendas and minutes 2014 Agendas and Minutes 2015 Agendas and Minutes


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