2016 Ordinances and Resolutions (Corrected) - page 106

Travel for hourly City employees on City business should be scheduled during
normal businesshours.
Travel arrangements should be made using the most cost and time efficient
Any personal preferences concerning travel (drive vs. fly) must be approved by
theemployee’s supervisor, orMayor. Anyadditional costs generatedbypersonal
preferenceswill bepaidby theemployee.
Travel by hourly City employees will be considered time worked, and paid a
the employeeworked an 8 hour day. Any overtime travel must be approved by
theemployee’s supervisor, orMayor.
A cost efficient hotel selection should include a free breakfast. Lunch will be
reimbursed at amaximum of $10.00 (ten dollars), receipts required. Dinner will
be reimbursedat amaximumof $25.00 (twenty-fivedollars), receipts required.
Alcohol is specificallyexcluded from reimbursement.
All salaried City employees, or officers, must have travel plans
preapprovedby theMayor or his/her designee. All travel, hotel, andmeal
parameters for salariedemployeeswill be the same as hourlyemployees,
as detailed in subsectionsone through sixof this chapter.
Travel plans for any electedofficialmust bepreapprovedby amajorityof
the City Council. Travel parameters apply as detailed in this chapter for
Entertainment will not be reimbursed, unless approved by a majority of
theCityCouncil, andMayor.
10. No reimbursement of travel, meal or lodging expenses incurred by a City of
Momence, Illinois employee or officer shall be authorized unless the “Travel,
Meal, and LodgingExpenseReimbursement Request Form”, attachedhereto and
made a part hereof, has been submitted and approved. All documents and
information submitted with the form shall be subject to disclosure under the
Freedomof InformationAct (5 ILCS140/1
et seq.
11. Expenses for travel, meals, and lodging of: (1) any officer or employee that
exceeds the maximum reimbursement allowed under the regulations adopted
under Section2of thisOrdinanceor (2) anymember of the corporateauthorities
of theCityofMomence, Illinoismayonlybeapprovedby roll call voteat anopen
meeting of the corporate authorities of the City of Momence. However, in the
event of an emergency, or other extraordinary circumstances, the corporate
authorities may approvemore than themaximum allowable expenses set forth
12. The City ofMomence, Illinois shall not reimburse any elected official, employee,
or officer for any activitieswhichwould be considered entertainment. Activities
which would otherwise be considered entertainment, but which are excluded
from the prohibition on reimbursement due to being ancillary to the purpose of
the program or event, may be reimbursed in accordance with the provisions of
1...,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105 107,108,109,110,111,112
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